Adenosine Monophosphate Protein Kinase is the human bioenergetics manager. When the human energy currency (adenosine triphosphate) is low, AMPK swings into action and begins creating additional ATP by contributing Phosphate ions to ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) to create ATP for cells to use as energy (by cleaving one of the Phosphate Ions from ATP. ) AMPK also is influential in the digestive and glucose management processes. The direct amount of energy available in the mitochondria of the cells is under the control of AMPK. When AMPK is abundant, the cells have plenty of ATP to create energy. When AMPK is low or is down regulated by disease or Inflammatory conditions in the body, Cells are compromised in their functions and dysregulation of cells, tissues, organs and resulting systems is set into motion through disease and aging pathways. Abundant AMPK serves to hold those pathways in check, allowing vibrant energy at the cellular level.
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iStockphoto®, ©MulvadMusic, Warny