The Intestinal tract.
When we chew food, Amylase and other enzymes are secreted into the mouth to begin breaking down Carbohydrates and some other molecularly large food components. Once in the stomach, the food is met with a very acid environment in order to break down the Proteins. The Hydrochloric acid also sterilizes the food and kills any pathogens that came in with the food.
Most people eat very little green leafy vegetables. Most of the basic American diet is acid containing or acid causing foods. Sugar, Protein, Carbohydrates all leave and acid ash in the digestive and intestinal system after being metabolized. It takes about 80 parts of alkalinity to neutralize 20 Parts acid. Since we eat mostly acid causing foods, we really do not stand a chance of getting 80 parts alkalinity for every 20 parts of acid that our diet delivers. Our diets are about 95% acid instead of the 80% Alkalinity our tissues seek.
When ingested, Acid foods, cooked foods (no enzymes left) and processed foods, are surrounded by mucus as a protective mechanism, trying to absorb and neutralize the acids, poisons, toxins, chemicals, pesticides, etc. over time, the mucus sticks to the Intestinal walls in the small intestines and the colon. Over time, the tissues in the intestinal wall become hardened and stiff and unable to absorb the nutrients from the food we eat. The intestines are now caked with hardened mucus and partially digested food and the immune system is compromised since 70%+ of the immune tissues live there. The colon is clogged with the same mucus and stuck feces which continues to rot and ferment in your body. The opportunistic microorganisms that thrive in this sticky gooey toxic mess, burrow though the intestinal wall and enter your blood stream. Feces and poison systematically pouring into our blood stream daily. You become “sick”, at first in a chronic way, catching every cold and flu and always tired and with a headache or plugged sinuses. Circadian Rhythm is dysregulated and a good nights’ sleep seems to be just a memory.
The Hard impacted waste sticking to the intestinal lining makes it practically impossible for the Lymphatic system to drain the lymph from the bodies tissues, into the colon. The lymph is moved from the tissues to the lymph nodes, then from there to the colon for excretion from the body. The immune system is now compromised and the lymph nodes are congested with acid waste. Lymph system Cancers are the direct result. A state of fatigue and constant illness, is the indirect result. The mTOR pathway is dysregulated and AMPK signaling is silenced.
A clean healthy bowel is one where the bacterial ratio is kept at 80% probiotic and 20% opportunistic. The healthy bowel is called upon to process mostly green Leafy vegetables, whole multicolored fruit, very little if any meat, no dairy, no refined sugar, eggs in moderation, 10-15 grams of insoluble protein per day, and no alcohol. The intestinal and colon linings will stay flexible and healthy and will process nutrients and eliminate waste the way we were intended to.
Audio credit:
iStockphoto®, ©MulvadMusic, Warny